Liposuction in Hyderabad

Men Liposuction Before and After - Best results at Medini Centre

Discover the transformative power of men’s liposuction at Medini Centre.

Our before and after photos and patient stories showcase the best results possible.

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men liposuction before and after at Medini Centre.

Men liposuction Before and After

Here are 10 Mens Liposuction before and after photos who have undergone Liposuction at Medini Centre to help visualize the results. Liposuction for men is a popular cosmetic procedure who want to remove stubborn fat and achieve a more sculpted physique. Considering Liposuction for men, you must have realistic expectations and understand the potential risks and benefits.

Men liposuction Before and After - For Abdominal definition.

A liposuction for men is an excellent option who want a more defined and toned abdomen. One of the most common areas that people seek to have Liposuction done is the abdominal region. The liposuction for men can remove excess fat from the abdominal area, revealing the underlying muscles and creating a more sculpted appearance.

The goal of the liposuction for men is to remove excess fat from the abdominal area and contour the body to provide a more defined and toned appearance. It is achieved by removing excess fat cells resistant to diet and exercise, making the underlying muscles more visible.

Good candidates for the liposuction for men should be at or near their ideal body weight, have good skin elasticity, and have realistic expectations.

It is also important to note that  male liposuction is not a permanent solution for removing excess fat. While the fat cells removed during the procedure will not return, gaining weight in the future is still possible. To maintain the results of the liposuction for men, following a healthy diet and exercise regimen is essential.

 These men liposuction before and after photos show the dramatic results that can be achieved with Liposuction for abdominal definition.

  • Individual results may vary. Male liposuction images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

Men liposuction Before and After - For Chest Contouring

Liposuction for men isn’t just for abdominal definition. Men can also benefit from Liposuction for chest contouring. Male liposuction procedure is commonly used to treat gynecomastia, which is the enlargement of the male breast tissue. This procedure can remove excess fat from the chest area, creating a more defined and masculine appearance.

Male liposuction for chest contouring is an excellent option for individuals in good overall health but struggling with excess fat in the chest area. Good candidates for liposuction for men should have good skin elasticity, be at or near their ideal body weight, and have realistic expectations.

It is also important to note that Liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. To maintain the results of the liposuction for men, following a healthy diet and exercise regimen is essential.

These men liposuction before and after photos showcase the fantastic results that can be achieved with Liposuction for chest contouring.

  • Individual results may vary. Male liposuction images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

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Men liposuction Before and After - For Love Handle Reduction

Love handles, or excess fat around the waistline, is a common problem for many people and is frustrating. The fat around your waistline can make you look and feel overweight, even if you’re not. The exciting part about love handles is that many people diet and exercise to eliminate them, but nothing works. This fat stores energy for your body when you’re not getting enough from food.

Male liposuction for love handles is the only way to remove them permanently and give you a sculpted appearance, and the results of liposuction for men are long-lasting as long as one maintains the weight. Love handle reduction with Liposuction often includes abdominal Liposuction as well.

These men liposuction before and after photos demonstrate the transformative results that can be achieved with Liposuction for love handle reduction.

  • Individual results may vary. Male liposuction images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

Men liposuction Before and After - For Neck and Chin Sculpting

Liposuction for men isn’t just for love handles and belly fat. It can also be used to sculpt the neck and chin area. A double chin can make a person appear older than they are.

Male liposuction for the neck and chin can be a little more challenging than other areas of the body because

  • These two areas are much smaller and more challenging to access than the abdomen or thighs.
  • The procedure also requires more precision.
  • The neck is tricky to treat because it contains many small muscles and nerves that can easily be damaged during Liposuction.

It means choosing an experienced surgeon who has performed this male liposuction procedure often is essential.

Liposuction for men is a great way to help smooth out any fatty deposits in the neck and chin area. So, it can help you achieve

  • a more youthful appearance by improving the contour of your neck and chin and improving confidence levels.
  • The procedure can also treat stubborn fat pockets that won’t go away with diet and exercise alone.

 Male liposuction is a relatively painless and quick procedure that requires only local anaesthesia. For a youthful and clean neckline, Liposuction is considered the best option.

Check out these men liposuction before and after photos to see the impressive results that can be achieved with neck and chin liposuction.

  • Individual results may vary. Male liposuction images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

Men liposuction Before and After - For Thigh Contouring

It’s not uncommon for people to have fat deposits in their thighs that are resistant to exercise. They’re stubborn regarding weight loss, and they can be difficult to tone up because they have a lot of connective tissue, making it hard to exercise.

The thighs are one of the most common areas where people want Liposuction done. Liposuction for men is not just for the abdomen and love handles. It can also slim down the thighs and legs, creating a more toned and streamlined appearance.

This procedure is popular among both men and women who struggle with stubborn fat in these areas despite diet and exercise. Fat cells are permanently removed from the body during Liposuction. However, fat cells in other body parts may increase if you gain weight after your liposuction procedure.

If you have cellulite in this area, it might not be easy to exercise it away. Liposuction can help by removing fat cells, contributing to cellulite’s appearance. It makes the skin smoother and more toned.

Check out these men liposuction before and after photos to see the impressive results that can be achieved with thigh liposuction.

  • Individual results may vary. Male liposuction images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

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Abdomen and Chest areas are the most common sites for fat deposition in Males. People lose their body shapes when they put on weight.

All males are interested in Liposuction of the chest and abdomen in a single sitting. These are the results of our male liposuction patients treated here.

All men liposuction before and after photos are of patients who have consented to publish their images on this site. All patients have been operated on at Medini Cosmetic Centre. No claims are made that results are guaranteed to be the same. Results of male liposuction will vary by the individual patient, and no guarantees are made. All men liposuction before and after images are shown for informational purposes only.

Men liposuction Before and After - 28 years Male

  • Individual results may vary. Male liposuction images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

Liposuction for men is a popular cosmetic procedure for men who want to achieve a more toned and defined physique. This men liposuction before and after photos set showcases the results of a patient from Vijayawada who underwent Liposuction of the chest, abdomen, flanks, and lower back at Medini Cosmetic Centre with Dr. M. Shridharan.

As a personal trainer and bodybuilder, the patient aimed to achieve a narrow waistline and a “V-cut frame.” During his consultation, Dr. M. Shridharan discussed various male liposuction techniques and incision sites and provided detailed instructions for recovery and fast healing.

After the liposuction for men procedure, the patient could return to his exercise routine within a month and has maintained his physique for over ten years. Male liposuction can be a safe and effective way to achieve their desired body shape.





28 Year

85 Kg





Liposuction Type:

Surgery Duration:

General Anesthesia

Chest, Abdomen, Back

Power Assisted 

2 Hours

Men liposuction Before and After - 27 years Male

  • Individual results may vary. Male liposuction images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

This 27-year-old man from Vijayanagaram had struggled with excess weight in his abdomen and chest, causing him to feel self-conscious and avoid taking off his shirt in public. He researched male liposuction procedures online and consulted with Dr. M. Shridharan, a specialist in Liposuction and gynecomastia surgery.

The patient was concerned about scarring and opted for minimally invasive gynecomastia surgery, which involved a small incision in the areola to remove breast tissue. Dr. M. Shridharan used a proven liposuction technique to address both areas of concern, and the men liposuction before and after pictures show a significant improvement in the patient’s appearance without noticeable incision marks.





27 Year

95 Kg





Liposuction Type:

Surgery Duration:

General Anesthesia

Chest, Abdomen, Back

Power Assisted 

2 Hours

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Men liposuction Before and After - 45 years Male

  • Individual results may vary. Male liposuction  images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

This 45-year-old man from Kamareddy had struggled to lose his love handles and achieve abdominal refinement through diet and exercise. Despite his efforts, he could not eliminate these problem areas on his waist and abdomen. He consulted with Dr. M. Shridharan for male liposuction, but it was noted that his age and long history of weight loss had resulted in poor skin elasticity.

Dr. Shridharan warned him that his abdominal skin may not shrink well with Liposuction, but the patient elected to proceed with the procedure. The men liposuction before and after-surgery pictures show significant fat removal from his chest, abdomen, waist, and lower back, but also some loose upper abdominal skin due to his poor skin elasticity and age. Overall, the patient was pleased with his liposuction results and the service Dr Shridharan and his staff provided at Medini Cosmetic Centre in Hyderabad.





45 Year

115 Kg





Liposuction Type:

Surgery Duration:

General Anesthesia

Chest, Abdomen, Back

VASER Liposuction 

2 Hours

Men liposuction Before and After - 49 years Male

  • Individual results may vary. Male liposuction images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

Here are some men liposuction before and after photos of a 49-year-old man who was once in great shape but started to gain body fat around his midsection as he got older. Despite continuing to work out, he couldn’t eliminate the unwanted fat in his love handles and upper abdomen. He decided to undergo Liposuction for men to target these specific areas.

Dr. M. Shridharan, a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in liposuction and body contouring, performed VASER liposuction, and these are the results the day after the surgery. This man’s experience is not uncommon, as many men turn to Liposuction to help them regain their original shape.





49 Year

110 Kg





Liposuction Type:

Surgery Duration:

General Anesthesia

Chest, Abdomen, Back

VASER Liposuction 

2 Hours

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Men liposuction Before and After - Images of our patients

These are the men liposuction before and after images of our patients who had Liposuction of Abdomen and Gynecomastia surgery in a single session in our centre. These photos are unretouched except for a few blurring of faces and tattoos to preserve identity. The after-surgery images were taken the next day following surgery. Please review our gallery to see the exceptional results we can offer.

Get inspired by our men liposuction before and after Abdomen and Chest liposuction gallery, with photos from Medini Cosmetic Surgery patients! Browse through the gallery below to understand what results Medini Centre has helped patients like you achieve.

Check this Gallery for more Chest and Abdomen Photos

  • Individual results may vary. Male liposuction images and testimonials do not constitute a guarantee of any particular outcome.

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